Warrington Township
The Gateway to Bucks County Since 1734

Board of Supervisors


The second and fourth Tuesdays of the month for Public Meetings. Special Hearings occur on an as-needed basis.
The Board of Supervisors are scheduled to meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 pm. The meetings will take place in person at the Warrington Township Building, 852 Easton Road and via Zoom.

Register for zoom on the 2nd Tuesday: Click here.
Register for Zoom for 4th Tuesday: Click here. There will be no Board of Supervisors meeting on April 23, 2024, due to the Primary Election.

All interested parties can send in their public comments (stating their name and address) prior to the meeting at [email protected]. The public will have a chance to speak virtually during the public comment section of the meeting (expect to state your name and address).

The Board of Supervisors Zoom meeting audio will remain OFF until the start of the meeting start time.

Supervisors are elected for differing terms. Warrington Township Supervisors are as follows:

Michael J. Diorka,  Chair- Term Expires 12/31/27
Vanessa Maurer, Vice-Chair – Term Expires 12/31/27
Ruth Schemm, Member – Term Expires 12/31/25
Andrew Macaulay,  Member – Term Expires 12/31/2029
Brian Kelly, Member – Term Expires 12/31/2029

Lee Greenberg, Interim Township Manager
Amy Organek, Acting Township Treasurer

Michael J. Diorka, Member, Board of Supervisor

Dr. Michael J. Diorka retired from The University of Pennsylvania in 2017 after 22 years of service both as a Director of Recreation and Senior Level Associate Director of Athletics for Facility Management since 1996.  In these positions, he was the senior administrator overseeing all recreation and intercollegiate facilities and operations, game management and equipment operations.  He has also been involved in the day-to-day activities of all of Penn Athletics’ construction projects during the recent Campaign for Penn Athletics which included the George A. Weiss Pavilion, the Donald A. Frey Athletic Training Room; the Penn Park Athletic/Recreation Complex; the Tse Center at Hutchinson Gymnasium; River Fields Park including the move of Rhodes Field and the building of Ellen Vagelos C’90 Field; and the Franklin Field turf, track, and plaza replacement.

Dr. Diorka has been with Penn Athletics since 1996, initially serving as the department’s Director of Recreation and Program Services until his promotion in 2007.  In2012, he was a nominee for the University’s Model of Excellence.

Prior to his arrival at Penn, Dr. Diorka was the Director of Recreational Programs at Tulane University in New Orleans from 1988-96.  Before that, he was at Saint Joseph’s University as an assistant cross country/track coach (1978-88) and Assistant Director of Intercollegiate Athletics for Recreation and Athletic Facilities (1981-88).

From 1971-81, Dr. Diorka worked at Great Valley High School in Malvern, PA as a teacher, coach, and Director of Student Activities.  In 1977, he was honored with the yearbook dedication.

From 2002-09, Dr. Diorka taught courses on “Stadium/Arena Design and Management” as well as “Sport and Recreation Management” at Temple University’s School of Tourism/Hospitality Management.  From 2003-05 he taught a course on “The Business of Sport” at Drexel’s Goodwin Evening College of Adult Learning.  From 2001-03, he taught “Legal Aspects of Sport” and “Leadership and Management” at Neumann College’s Department of Sport Management; and from 1993-96 he taught “Legal Aspects of Law and Recreation” and “Event and Facility Management” at Tulane’s Department of Sport and Exercise Science. Upon retirement in 2017 from Penn, Dr. Diorka returned to Temple as an Adjunct Professor and taught Stadium and Arena Design and Construction Management and Sport Facility Management in the Master’s degree program in STHM.

Dr. Diorka has also consulted at institutions such as Princeton University, Villanova University, Georgetown University Law School, the University of San Francisco’s Koret Recreational Center, and served in a support capacity for the 1992 U.S. Olympic Committee Track & Field Trials in New Orleans.  He also founded the Hawk Harrier (1982) and Gulf States Running Camps (1997) which are still in existence.

In 2010, Dr. Diorka was honored by the Temple Alumni Association with its “Certificate of Honor” in recognition of distinguished contribution to the profession and appreciation of services to sport and recreation.

As your elected Supervisor, you will receive the time, attention and respect as a resident.  Operational efficiency and effectiveness will be an integral component in meeting required services. As a resident and taxpayer for 25 years, please know “I am one of you”.

Mike and his wife Roseann of 50 years have four daughters and five grandchildren.

Vanessa Maurer, Member, Board of Supervisor

My husband and I moved to Bucks County 18 years ago from Colorado when I was pregnant with my first-born son. The following year my twin girls were born making me the proud mother of three children. Warrington Township, The Gateway to Bucks County, provides a unique quality of life that we have enjoyed while raising our family in the community we adore.

My background in finance and accounting in which I bring over 25 years’ experience puts me in a unique position to be able to serve the community of Warrington. Knowledge and expertise in accounting and finance are critical as well as proven leadership. Presently, I am a Vice President of Executive Accounts, and a former CFO of the oldest and largest commercial insurance consortium in Pennsylvania servicing governmental, religious, and non-profit organizations including municipalities. In these roles I have been accountable to provide fiscal stewardship over taxpayer funds and implement risk management supervision.

In addition to this, I have served on various non-profit boards including School District Insurance Consortium and School District Service Corporation as well as being a board member of St. Jude’s HSA. I have spent countless hours volunteering for student youth programs, and advocating for young adults with special needs. I bring both business acumen, and community fund-raising experience to my appeal.

I am looking forward to serving as a Township Supervisor. I would like to see Warrington Residents put first before local big government. I want to protect our tax dollars by providing fiscal accountability, and prioritizing community feedback. I am proud of our First Responders that defend and serve in our community, and I want to support our First Responders and ensure have the resources to keep us safe. I want to promote smart growth, and preserve our community’s environment rather than unrestrained expansion without safeguards to our ground water. Warrington deserves forward-thinking leadership that works together putting residents first that will sustain future generations.

Ruth L. Schemm, Vice-Chair, Board of Supervisors

I have lived in Warrington for 33 years and began serving as a member of the Parks and Recreation Board.  On that volunteer board, I served as Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.  In addition, I chaired the Open Space and Land Preservation Advisory Board.  In 2018, I was appointed to the Warrington Board of Supervisors and was later elected by residents.

I graduated from UPENN with a BS in Occupational Therapy.  My graduate education focused on the cultural aspects of communication in relation to rehabilitation services.  I earned an MEd in Group Dynamics and an EdD in Urban Education from Temple University.  I was fortunate to be mentored by some awesome professors and colleagues throughout my graduate studies.  I have published in juried journals and written several books with other colleagues.  As a Department Chair, our group garnered grants and investigated methods to improve functional performance.

During my career, I served in a variety of roles:  educational manager (Dean, Consultant, Program Chair and Program Planner), scholar (38 publications, editor, reviewer), leader (Promotion and Tenure Committee, Graduate and Faculty Council), professional services (President, Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association, Chair national program chairs group) and service (Chair-Commonwealth of PA licensure board).  National and international consultancy work broadened my vision about how social and constructed environments can enhance individual and community health.

Presently, I am Dean Emeritus and Professor in the Health Policy and Public Health Department at the University of the Sciences (now St. Joseph University).  I chair the Board of Directors of Work-To-Ride, a non-profit founded in 1994.

It is important for Warrington residents to share their ideas about our Township.  Feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Ruth L. Schemm, EdD, OTR/L, FAOTA

Andrew Macaulay, Member, Board of Supervisor

While I am originally from Dublin Ireland, my family and I have proudly lived in Warrington for the last 18 years. In 2004, We moved here from Arkansas, and chose Warrington because of the quality of our schools, the wonderful parks, vibrant community and overall quality of life.

From a formal education standpoint, I have a BS in Accountancy from Trinity College Dublin (Dublin University), and an MBA from the University of Arkansas. From a work vantage point, I originally worked in corporate finance, then over 20 years of experience in sales and category management for major manufacturers such as The Hershey Company, Unilever, and Advantage Sales and Marketing for Church and Dwight both in home office and customer facing roles. As a result, I can call on my deep background in analyzing data, trends & consumer shifts to identify strategies to drive growth.

Since moving here to Warrington, I have been very involved in volunteering, including as a director for Warrington Soccer Club for over 7 years in the roles of intermural director & registrar. In those roles I coordinated the recruitment of coaching volunteers. I managed the intermural soccer schedules, picture day, and the implementation of the new state mandated risk management screening requirements starting in 2009. As registrar, I set up the new registration process after changing vendors & ramped up the need-based scholarship program. This is in addition to the automatic scholarship for children of active military service members.  I was also the registrar for Girl Scouts in the local area for 2 years, leading to an increase in recruitment within the 36 troop area.

I’m excited to be a Supervisor to take my community service to the next level. I believe a good government is one that works for the people with transparency, accountability and a bias for action. As your Supervisor I will always listen and put your needs first.  Of course, I will support our police, EMTs, First Responders, as well as our teachers. We have seen a lot of changes over the last few years, and I personally would like to see us grow in a way that avoids over development and crowded roads.

Brian Kelly, Member, Board of Supervisor

Having lived in Philadelphia our entire lives, my wife and I decided to seek a better life and began looking in the suburbs. Our search led us to every township within 20 miles of our home in the city. We’d visit Warrington and soon decided we would seek to move our family into the township.  Our visits to Warrington Township became a weekly event. We fell in love with the Township, its people and all the township offers.  In 2013, along with our son and daughter, we moved into the township and believe the move to be one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. We enjoy sharing our home here, when our son and daughter, their spouses and our three grandchildren come to visit.

My life experience includes a 28-year career with The Philadelphia Police Department as a decorated uniform officer and detective. I’ve served in special units both as a uniformed officer and in the detective bureau. While working in law enforcement, I returned to school and earned an associates degree in criminal justice from Community College of Philadelphia, a bachelor’s degree in science education from Temple University and a master’s degree in education from LaSalle University. Upon retirement from law enforcement, I entered a career as a teacher and am currently employed as an 8th-grade science teacher. While raising my family, I coached my children as they played football, soccer, baseball and softball. I’ve continued this practice as a teacher, and have had the good fortune of coaching student-athletes in football, soccer and baseball.

My life as a public servant has continued during my time as a resident in Warrington, where I’ve served as judge of elections in districts 2 and 3.

As township supervisor, I am humbled by the support and faith that residents have entrusted me with.  I believe government should serve its citizens, that office holders work for the taxpayer and as such should be good stewards of the hard-earned tax dollars collected. I also believe that government is responsible for the overall safety and general well being of its citizens.  I look forward to serving all  residents while concentrating on fiscal responsibility and public safety. Additionally, I look forward to engaging with township residents, hearing their concerns and working to arrive at solutions that will positively affect the quality of life within the township.

2018.1.16 BOS - 2017 Annual Report SY
2018.1.16 BOS - 2017 Annual Report SY
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Warrington Township The Gateway to Bucks County Since 1734
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